Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Giving a chip, a life of its own
Besides giving a thorough grounding in basic sciences and engineering subjects, the curriculum in Electronics and Communication Engineering lays greater emphasis on deep understanding of fundamental principles and state of the art knowledge of electronic devices & circuit, computer architecture & microprocessors, VLSI & embedded systems, electromagnetic field theory, analog and digital communication, digital signal processing, microwave & broadband communications.
The Electronics and Communication Engineering Department is well equipped with laboratory facilities in order to enhance the practical knowledge of the students to stimulate a feeling of creation and to carry out research among students in order to fulfill the demands of competitive corporate world.
The department has the following labs-
- Electronic devices and circuit laboratory
- Digital electronics laboratory
- Electronics engineering design laboratory
- Digital hardware design laboratory
- Microwave Engineering laboratory
- Antenna laboratory
- Communication laboratory
- Microprocessor laboratory
- Electronics CAD & MATLAB laboratory
- System design and advance communication laboratory
Ever increasing pace of development in electronics, audio and video communication systems and the automation in industry has made an electronic engineer a catalyst for the change of the modern society.